We see them everywhere this time of year, in all shapes, colors, and sizes, it’s Pumpkin season! Pumpkins are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidents, not to mention many varieties are just plain tasty. Easy to grow, cook, can, and store, pumpkins are a favorite of homesteaders everywhere. Roasted pumpkin, soup, breads, pies, the list goes on, even the seeds are a tasty snack when baked. Fun fact, many of the store-bought tins of “pumpkin” contain very little if any real pumpkin, they are usually a mixture of other winter squashes.
Symbolizing the Full Harvest Moon, prosperity, fertility, abundance, and protection, the seeds can be used in any manner of spell work with these intentions. Cleaned out pumpkins make the perfect vessels for candle workings as evidenced by the magical Jack O Lantern, faces carved into pumpkins to keep the spirits away. The jack o’ lantern originates in Ireland though the Irish didn’t use pumpkins. Ancient Celts carved Turnips, Rutabagas, and other large root vegetables to ward off evil spirits. Pumpkins did not exist in Ireland at that time.
The next time you want to bless your friends and family with love, and prosperity bake them a pumpkin pie!
Pumpkin Pie
1 15 oz can pumpkin puree
¾ c evaporated milk
½ c brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp salt
½ tsp ginger
¼ tsp cloves
2 large eggs
Unbaked 9” pie crust
Preheat oven to 425. Mix sugar and spices in a small bowl. Beat eggs in a large bowl then add pumpkin, spice mix and evaporated milk. Pour into pie shell and bake for 15 minutes. Reduce temp to 350 and bake an additional 50 minutes.