Fall is in its full glory. Frosty mornings, crisp evenings, leaves in all shades of burgundy, brown, yellow, and green. Final harvests of pumpkins, apples, gourds, and herbs are gathered for the winter stores. The colder days bring on the hot soups, stews, and the smell of baking bread and memories, always the memories. Families gather together to reconnect with each other and to honor the ancestors that came before.
Some of my favorites herbs to incorporate in the food and drink of the season are Rosemary, Sage, Allspice, Pine, Elder, Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove, Nutmeg. Mugwort can always be found on my ancestor altar as well as in wreaths and swags. Other altar additions are mini pumpkins, pumpkin seeds, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Pine boughs, cones, Oak leaves, and Macintosh apples.
As we remember those who came before us, Samhain is a wonderful time to remember that we are all connected, death is a part of life as life also springs from death.