Spring has finally sprung here in N. Central Ohio and foraging is in full swing. What have I been foraging for? I have been busy gathering the last of the Ramps, and Violets. I have also gathered chives, Dandelions, Purple dead nettle, garlic mustard, Sweet Woodruff, and Plantain. Our grandmother Pine dropped a bough during a storm, so I gathered those needles as well. So, what will I do with all this bounty? The possibilities are endless!
The Ramps will be made into a lovely pesto which is quick, easy, and oh so delicious! I will post the recipe at the bottom of the blurb.
An infused oil will be made with the Violets, and the Plantain which I will then use to make a skin loving lotion. Some of the Chives, Purple dead nettle, and Garlic Mustard will be dried for later use, and the rest will make a nice salad for my lunch. This batch of Sweet Woodruff will be steeped for a traditional May wine. And our little bough of Pine needles will be powdered up and baked into a shortbread which tastes just like the holidays. So there you have it, many simple and enjoyable ways to use the bounty that nature has provided. Happy foraging!
Green blessings,
*Please forage responsibly, and always be 100% certain in your plant identification
Ramp Pesto
2 c Ramp leaves
1/3c Olive oil
½ c Pine nuts (or whatever nuts you like, I use Walnuts)
½ c Parmesan cheese (optional)
Salt, Pepper, dash of Lemon juice
Toss everything but the Olive oil into a food processor, add Olive oil slowly until you reach your desired consistency. It’s just that easy, enjoy!